Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Choter Family CD: The Missing Voice

Song List:
1. B'sheim Hashem
2. Gam Ki Elech
3. Va'ani BaHashem Etzapeh
4. Nachamu
5. Al Taster
6. Atuf B'Talit (Gavriel's song)
7. B'Damayich Chayii
8. Ma Tishtochachi

Brand new still in plastic. 
30 NIS.

"This disk “The Missing Voice” is in memory of the missing voice of our family, our son and brother Gavriel who was murdered by Arab terrorists on 27th December, 2002 while on kitchen duty at the Yeshiva of Otniel where he studied. Gavriel was 17 and a half years old.

In his short life, he made a lasting impression on so many people by his quiet manner, his ability to influence and help those around him and from the goodness that was Gavriel. Music is a central element in the Hoter family. Everyone sings and harmonizes. It therefore seemed appropriate to make this disk in his memory.

This disk includes a video about Gavriel and songs that we sang with Gavirel and without him throughout the mourning period. The songs gave us the strength to go on."